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How do I place a hold for pick up?

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You can now place a hold on Regis owned items within the library's catalog! This will allow you to request items from Dayton Memorial Library's collections and pick them up at the library (on the main Northwest Denver campus) or the Thornton campus. If you live more than 35 miles from the Northwest Denver campus, we can mail items to your home.

Using the search box on the homepage, search for items through LumenPlus:

The Lumen Plus search box on the library's main page.

Find the record of the item you'd like to place a hold on and click "View Record in Lumen Classic" to be taken to the item's record:

An entry in Lumen Plus for Five Dialogues by Plato. View Record in Lumen Classic is outlined in red.

On the next page, click "Request" in the tool bar above the search box:

An entry in Lumen Classic for Five Dialogues by Plato. "Request" in the upper middle portion of the page is circled in red.

This will open the request verification page. Enter your last name and ID number (the 7-digit number on your university ID) in the appropriate field. Using the drop down, select your preferred pick up location. Note: Mail to Home is only available for active students, faculty, and staff who live more than 35 miles from the Northwest Denver campus.

The request verification page in LumenClassic.  The drop down for pick up location is open and outlined in red.

If your request has been successful, you will see the confirmation page below:

Hold confirmation page in Lumen Classic.


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